Suppose you need to list all of your mp3 files from a folder and its all subfolders. Then this php script will help you.
- This function starts with a directory.
- And check for all the files and folder in it.
- If a folder found then this function call itself recursively.
- If its a file and its extension is .mp3 then print it.
function findfiles($directory,$xx)
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory),
foreach($iterator as $file) {
if($file->isDir()) {
return $xx;
Now just call the function
echo findfiles('./','');
Ok so when you need this?
Suppose you host your own music files and want to embed a music player that can play all of your music files. then you must list out all of your files into a folder and its subfolder and its subfolder ……… This script will list out all of your files. You have to modify this code for your purpose.
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